I See More Than 1 Charge On My Card! Help!Updated 10 months ago
You're most likely just seeing 2 or more authorizations on your account. Please remember that every time you attempt to place an order, your card will be authorized for the total amount of the order. However, an authorization is not a charge.
Any unnecessary authorizations will fall off your statement as soon as your bank verifies that we did not process the charge. It may take 3 - 5 business days for the authorizations to drop off. If these pending charges do appear, there is nothing we can do to remove those transactions on our side. Your best option would be to contact your card issuer directly for more information.
We know this whole thing can be super confusing so please reach out to us and we'll double check things from our side. Just let us know the dollar amount and your order details so that we can check to see if there are duplicate orders in your name.