My Order Is Missing! Help Me!Updated 5 months ago
If your order shows “Delivered” but your package has not arrived, please wait a few extra days. Most often, a package gets scanned as "Delivered" when it is in fact still waiting on a truck.
Before you install security cameras by your front door or create a hashtag rise against the carrier, be sure to look thoroughly where your mail is typically delivered and ask any other members of your household and/or neighbors if they've received the package on your behalf. We also recommend that you check around your property to make sure that the package wasn't left hiding in the bushes somewhere.
In the event that your package is still not found a few business days after supposed delivery, please contact the carrier to see if they can provide any additional information on where the package was left, then reach out to us so that we can check the status of your package and assist however we can.
We apologize in advance if your package is lost or stolen and we understand that it is very frustrating. If this happens to you, please reach out to us and we will try to work with you on a case-by-case basis.
Please allow us time to review and investigate your request with our shipping partners. We appreciate your patience: be aware that due to general couriers' policies, it could take a few weeks to fully resolve, and can be longer based on seasonality.